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What’s included in your Home Inspection Report?


A home inspection report is essentially a deep dive into the condition of a property. It covers a lot of ground— structure, exterior, roof, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, interiors, insulation, and ventilation. The inspector checks everything from the foundation to the rooftop and notes any deficiencies, safety issues, and other potential concerns.

You will most likely find your Home Inspection Report broken down by section as follows:

1.      An informational section that lists general details about the house, like its square footage and construction date, Inspection Company Name, and Home Inspector name.

2.      A table of contents.

3.      Definition of deficiencies.

4.      A general summary that includes major issues with the house.

5.      Details about major home systems, their crucial components, and their operability.

Any defects associated with major systems will be described in the report and often come with recommendations on how to proceed with the issues for example, if a system is old and beyond the manufacturer's recommended life expectancy the home inspector may suggest budgeting for replacement in the near future.

You can expect a home inspector to include information about:

•            Structural components like the foundation and framing of the home

•            Exterior features like siding, porches, balconies, walkways, and driveways

•            Roof features like shingles, flashing, and skylights

•            Plumbing systems like pipes, drains, and water heating equipment

•            Electrical equipment like service panels, breakers, and fuses

•            Heating and cooling systems

“The inspector will also look at walls, ceilings, floors, windows, doors, cabinets, stairs, railings and garages. They will view and report on insulation in the attic, and crawl spaces.

Most Home Inspectors will include a legend in the report to note what items have informational comments, observational comments, repair comments, or safety comments. Informational and observational comments typically contain information about the components mentioned in the report or note issues to keep an eye on that might need further attention later. What you want to stay focused on are the comments surrounding repairs required and the items the inspector feels may present safety issues. These will typically be listed in the summary area of the report.

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J & H Home Inspections LLC

Serving the Greater Myrtle Beach South Carolina Area

Monday- Saturday 8 AM - 6 PM

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164 Teddy Bear Circle, Conway, SC 29526

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J H Home Inspections

We inspect residential properties from Murrells Inlet in the south to Loris in the north and to Conway to the west.  We would be honored to inspect your home or condo. 

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